Tuesday, December 05, 2006


说到LED照明,首先让人想到的就是由GaN为基础的蓝(白)光LED。与此同时,一定会让人联想到一个日本的科学家,中村修二(Shuji Nakamura)先生。这里我全文转载一下Wikipedia上关于中村先生的介绍(检索词条,比Wikipedia方便的比较少了。可惜原因种种,在中国大陆,想查Wikipedia 还是有点小麻烦的):

Shuji Nakamura (中村 修二 Nakamura Shūji, born in May 22, 1954, Seto, Ehime, Japan) is a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).
Nakamura graduated from the University of Tokushima in 1977 with a degree in electronic engineering, and obtained a master's degree in the same subject two years later, after which he joined the Nichia Corporation, also based in Tokushima. It was while working for Nichia that Nakamura invented the first high brightness GaN LED which has the distinctive advantage of producing blue light, and which went into production in 1993. He was awarded a Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Tokushima in 1994. He left Nichia Corporation in 1999 and took a position as a professor of engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
In 2001, Nakamura sued his former employer Nichia over his bonus for the discovery, which was originally 20,000 Yen (~US$180). Although Nakamura originally won an appeal for 20 billion Yen (~US$180 million), Nichia appealed the award and the parties settled in 2005 for 840 million Yen (~US$7 million), at the time the largest bonus ever paid by a Japanese company.
Nakamura has also worked on green and white LEDs, and blue laser diodes, which will be used in Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs.
In 2006, Nakamura was awarded the second Finland's Millennium Technology Prize for his continuing efforts to make cheaper and more efficient light sources.

05年秋天的APOC,我有幸能参加中村先生做的全场报告。当然我只能远远的瞻仰这位在LED照明领域做出了不可磨灭的贡献的科学家。让我印象最深的就是他不停的说I don't know。

1990年,中村先生开始在日亚(Nichia)研究GaN器件。那一年,36年中村先生只是一位普通的工程师,没有博士学位,没有一篇论文,在整个学术界,他是默默无闻的。不到十年的时间,也就是在上个世纪90年代晚期,因其在氮化物半导体结晶膜的成长,P型氮化镓的制造和氮化镓系化合物结晶成长等方面的杰出贡献,中村修二成为了加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 (UCSB) 的教授,并于06年,获得了千禧技术奖。中村已经成为了LED照明领域举足轻重的学者。因为和日亚的巨额专利费的官司,中村也进入了普通人的视野。真的希望有一天,中国也能出现这样的人物 (袁隆平?)。但从现在的情况来看,似乎很难。

