Monday, December 25, 2006

computing the extraction efficiency of slab


> In the post "How to calculate the extraction efficiency of spontaneous
> emission from slabs using C++ interface?" by Jun She, he constructed a
> geometry without slab and defined the flux through the top surface as total
> emitted flux, and then put a slab in the geometry and re-compute the flux
> through the top surface, and the extraction efficiency is the ratio of the
> later flux to the former flux. The computation looks like that for
> transmission spectrum. However, you have ever said that "...the same current
> source puts on a different amount of power depending on its surroundings..."
Exactly, but this difference is a real physical effect and directly influences the extraction efficiency. The reason is that the total power emitted by a dipole source at a point in a given structure is proportional to the local density of states at that point, and the local density of states in turn is proportional to the rate of spontaneous emission (by Fermi's Golden Rule). So, the ratio of the emitted flux spectra from a point current source between two structures (e.g. slab vs. no slab) is proportional to the ratio of the spontaneous emission extraction efficiency of those two structures as a function of frequency.
> In my intuitionistic opinion, the total flux and the flux through top
> surface should be computed in the same run and in the same geometry.
It all depends upon what you want to compute. If you want to compute the fraction of the power that goes upwards vs. in all directions, then yes you want to have a single structure and compute both the total flux and the upwards flux spectra and take the ratio. If you want to know how much a particular structure enhances spontaneous emission relative to another structure, including the effect of changes in the local density of states, then you want to take the ratio of the upwards ("extracted") flux spectra in the two different structures. And there might be other questions that you would answer in different ways. The point is, you should always keep in mind what reference you want to compare to when looking at flux spectra. Steven

Friday, December 22, 2006

Ubuntu中Adobe Reader的中文支持

一般从Ubuntu源中安装的Adobe Reader不能正常显示没有内嵌中文字体的PDF。除了直接从Adobe下载安装脚本直接重新安装外,还可以在下载中文支持。运行脚本安装即可。

注:安装时会提示输入安装路径,一般从Synaptic里安装的Adobe Reader会在/usr/lib/Adobe/Acrobat7.0

Monday, December 18, 2006









Tuesday, December 05, 2006


说到LED照明,首先让人想到的就是由GaN为基础的蓝(白)光LED。与此同时,一定会让人联想到一个日本的科学家,中村修二(Shuji Nakamura)先生。这里我全文转载一下Wikipedia上关于中村先生的介绍(检索词条,比Wikipedia方便的比较少了。可惜原因种种,在中国大陆,想查Wikipedia 还是有点小麻烦的):

Shuji Nakamura (中村 修二 Nakamura Shūji, born in May 22, 1954, Seto, Ehime, Japan) is a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB).
Nakamura graduated from the University of Tokushima in 1977 with a degree in electronic engineering, and obtained a master's degree in the same subject two years later, after which he joined the Nichia Corporation, also based in Tokushima. It was while working for Nichia that Nakamura invented the first high brightness GaN LED which has the distinctive advantage of producing blue light, and which went into production in 1993. He was awarded a Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of Tokushima in 1994. He left Nichia Corporation in 1999 and took a position as a professor of engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
In 2001, Nakamura sued his former employer Nichia over his bonus for the discovery, which was originally 20,000 Yen (~US$180). Although Nakamura originally won an appeal for 20 billion Yen (~US$180 million), Nichia appealed the award and the parties settled in 2005 for 840 million Yen (~US$7 million), at the time the largest bonus ever paid by a Japanese company.
Nakamura has also worked on green and white LEDs, and blue laser diodes, which will be used in Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs.
In 2006, Nakamura was awarded the second Finland's Millennium Technology Prize for his continuing efforts to make cheaper and more efficient light sources.

05年秋天的APOC,我有幸能参加中村先生做的全场报告。当然我只能远远的瞻仰这位在LED照明领域做出了不可磨灭的贡献的科学家。让我印象最深的就是他不停的说I don't know。

1990年,中村先生开始在日亚(Nichia)研究GaN器件。那一年,36年中村先生只是一位普通的工程师,没有博士学位,没有一篇论文,在整个学术界,他是默默无闻的。不到十年的时间,也就是在上个世纪90年代晚期,因其在氮化物半导体结晶膜的成长,P型氮化镓的制造和氮化镓系化合物结晶成长等方面的杰出贡献,中村修二成为了加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 (UCSB) 的教授,并于06年,获得了千禧技术奖。中村已经成为了LED照明领域举足轻重的学者。因为和日亚的巨额专利费的官司,中村也进入了普通人的视野。真的希望有一天,中国也能出现这样的人物 (袁隆平?)。但从现在的情况来看,似乎很难。



Sunday, December 03, 2006



近两年,固体照明(Solid State lighting)的市场发展的非常快,仅仅在江浙一带,就有大量的厂商在开发一些下游的产品。国家也投入了大量的人力物力,研发新型的固体照明材料。感谢ZJU/TUe/Philips Research的合作,我有幸能从事高发光效率的GaN芯片的研发工作。我也是外行,只能把自己所见的写下来,还希望大家来指正其中的错误。

一个偶然的机会,我在浙大的图书馆借阅了Schubert教授所写的Light-emitting Diodes。

1. 全部由半导体材料构成的发光器件;

2. 由半导体材料和荧光粉共同构成的器件。

1. 通用的照明
2. 车灯
车灯的指示灯用得比较多了,好像广本的前车灯车也采用LED了,看到过广告, 我是穷人,买不起车,也没关心过车。
3. 液晶的背光源
4. 投影

1. 一个很好的网站。美国能源部(DOE)似乎安排了不少项目在这里。

2. LED的上游产业主要是指LED发光材料外延制造和芯片制造。

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Meep for developers

If you want to modify the Meep source code, you will want to have a number of additional packages, most importantly:

  • The Darcs ( version-control system.

Once you have Darcs, you can grab the latest development version of Meep with:

darcs get 

This gives you a fresh, up-to-date Meep repository in a directory meep. See for more information on using Darcs; perhaps the most useful command is darcs pull, which you can execute periodically to get any new updates to the development version.

Darcs will give you an absolutely minimal set of sources; to create a usable Meep directory, you should run:


in the meep directory. (And subsequently, if you are editing the sources you should include --enable-maintainer-mode whenever you reconfigure.) To do this, however, you will need a number of additional packages beyond those listed above:

  • GNU autoconf (, automake (, and libtool ( — these are used to create the Makefiles and configure scripts, and to build shared libraries.
  • The Glasgow Haskell Compiler ( — some of Meep's C++ source code files are actually generated by programs (in the hsrc/ subdirectory) written in a programming language called Haskell.
  • SWIG ( — the Scheme/libctl interface to Meep is largely generated by a program called SWIG (Simple Wrapper and Interface Generator). We currently require SWIG version 1.3.25 or later. Moreover, if you are using 1.3.27 or earlier, you must patch the file Source/Modules/guile.cxx with this bug fix (

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


; This example creates an approximate TM planewave in vacuum
; propagating at a 45-degree angle, by using a couple of current sources
; with amplitude exp(ikx) corresponding to the desired planewave.

(define-param s 11) ; the size of the computational cell, not including PML
(define-param dpml 1) ; thickness of PML layers

(define sxy (+ s (* 2 dpml))) ; cell size, including PML
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sxy sxy no-size)))

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (thickness dpml))))
(set-param! resolution 10)

; pw-amp is a function that returns the amplitude exp(ik(x+x0)) at a
; given point x. (We need the x0 because current amplitude functions
; in Meep are defined relative to the center of the current source,
; whereas we want a fixed origin.) Actually, it is a function of k
; and x0 that returns a function of x ...
(define ((pw-amp k x0) x)
(exp (* 0+1i (vector3-dot k (vector3+ x x0)))))

(define-param fcen 0.8) ; pulse center frequency
(define-param df 0.02) ; turn-on bandwidth
(define-param kdir (vector3 1 1)) ; direction of k (length is irrelevant)
(define k (vector3-scale (* 2 pi fcen)
(unit-vector3 kdir))) ; k with correct length
(define kxcos (vector3-x (unit-vector3 k))) ; direction cosine of k in x
(define kycos (vector3-y (unit-vector3 k))) ; direction cosine of k in y

(set! sources

; left
(make source
(src (make continuous-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
(component Ez) (center (* -0.5 s) 0) (size 0 s)
(amp-func (pw-amp k (vector3 (* -0.5 s) 0))))

; bottom
(make source
(src (make continuous-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
(component Ez) (center 0 (* -0.5 s)) (size s 0)
(amp-func (pw-amp k (vector3 0 (* -0.5 s)))))


(define-param T 400) ; run time
(run-until T (at-end output-efield-z))



a. 提高外延片内量子效率;
b. 提高大尺寸芯片的外量子效率; (我正在做的工作)
c. 提高封装的取光效率;。
(4) 荧光粉的制作和涂敷技术
a. 高性能荧光分的制造技术;
b. 荧光粉的涂敷工艺技术。

Monday, November 13, 2006

Meep Introduction - AbInitio

Meep Introduction - AbInitio: "Units in Meep

You may have noticed the lack of annoying constants like ε0, μ0, c, and 4π — that's because Meep uses 'dimensionless' units where all these constants are unity (you can tell it was written by theorists). As a practical matter, almost everything you might want to compute (transmission spectra, frequencies, etcetera) is expressed as a ratio anyway, so the units end up cancelling.

In particular, because Maxwell's equations are scale invariant (multiplying the sizes of everything by 10 just divides the corresponding solution frequencies by 10), it is convenient in electromagnetic problems to choose scale-invariant units. That means that we pick some characteristic lengthscale in the system, a, and use that as our unit of distance.

Moreover, since c = 1 in Meep units, a (or a / c) is our unit of time as well. In particular, the frequency ω in Meep (corresponding to a time dependence e − iωt) is always specified in units of 2πc / a, which is equivalent to specifying ω as 1 / T: the inverse of the optical period T in units of a / c. This, in turn, is equivalent to specifying ω as a / λ where λ is the vacuum wavelength. (A similar scheme is used in MPB.)

For example, suppose we are describing some nanophotonic structure at infrared frequencies,"

Light-emitting diode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Light-emitting diode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia